1587: A Year of No Significance: The Ming Dynasty in Decline

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1587: A Year of No Significance: The Ming Dynasty in Decline

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ISBN: 9780300028843
author: Ray Huang / 黃仁宇
publishing house: Yale University Press
publication date: 1982 -9
language: English
binding: Paperback
number of pages: 288

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万历十五年 (生活·读书·新知三联书店 1997)
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Ray Huang / 黃仁宇   


1587, a Year of No Significance: The Ming Dynasty in Decline (Chinese: 萬曆十五年; pinyin: Wanli Shiwunian) is Chinese historian Ray Huang's most famous work. First published by Yale University Press in 1981,[1] it examines how a number of seemingly insignificant events in 1587 might have caused the downfall of the Ming empire. The views expressed in the book follow the macro history perspective.
